Working across the UK and internationally, Professor Jan White is a leading thinker and writer on outdoor play and advocate for high-quality outdoor provision for services for children from birth to seven.She is honorary Professor of Practice with the University of Wales Trinity St David and her books Playing and Learning Outdoors and Every Child a Mover have both won national awards. She is co-author of the globally influential booklet Making a Mud Kitchen (now available in 10 languages) and collaborated with Siren Films to make the award-winning training DVDs Babies Outdoors, Toddlers Outdoors and Two Year-olds Outdoors (Siren Films 2011).She is currently an Early Education Associate, convenor of the Landscapes for Early Childhood national network, and provides training courses, conference keynotes and consultancy for a wide range of early years settings. With a childhood love of rocks and soil, leading to a degree in Soil Science, a masters in Ecology and post-graduate teaching certificate in Science and Outdoor Education, she realises that she has always been, at heart, a committed mudologist!