pandemic response

Unhurried communicative spaces in the early learning and care setting

Isn’t it good when one thing leads to another?  This is certainly one of the intentions behind Early Childhood Outdoors’ mission of bringing outdoor champions into contact with each other. Back in August we shared an edited version of an article written by Orlagh Doyle about how practice at her two nurseries in Wexford, Ireland …

Unhurried communicative spaces in the early learning and care setting Read More »

Outdoors is Plan A: Taking Learning Outside During Pandemic Times

We were greatly looking forward to Nancy Striniste’s in-person presentation as our international speaker for the 3rd Early Childhood Outdoors professional gathering last March – but of course her visit to the UK had to be postponed.  Based in Arlington, Virginia (USA), Nancy is an imaginative landscape designer who specialises in creating nature-rich outdoor spaces …

Outdoors is Plan A: Taking Learning Outside During Pandemic Times Read More »