It is with great pleasure that I’m able to announce that our long awaited research seminar Where Are The Babies? Exploring outdoor provision for children from birth to two, organised in collaboration with The Froebel Trust, will be going ahead as a free Froebel Trust hosted webinar on Saturday 20th March 2021, from 10am to 1pm.
This half-day seminar addresses an area of provision that is little researched and, alarmingly, has been little attended to in recent practice: children from birth to two in the outdoors. In another fine example of how the ECO meshwork works to drive the shared mission forward, we are delighted to help bring together active, practice-based research projects at three different post-graduate levels in a way that might, in turn, spark thinking and action on the ground.
As well as sharing this recent and current research in such an important and exciting area, we will seek to identify the issues for provision and practice across the UK and Ireland and to initiate a national conversation about what we can do, both as individuals and as a meshwork.
Book your place for the Where Are The Babies? research webinar here.
Please note that if you previously registered for the postponed in-person research seminar last year (19th March 2020), you should have already received notification from The Froebel Trust. It is important to re-register via this link so that you have a webinar place and receive the online joining instructions.
Here are the details:
Whilst there has been a growing interest in outdoor learning within ECEC (Early Childhood Education and Care), little is known about provision for under twos. Similarly, despite increasing public concern about young children’s connection and relationship with the natural world, the outdoor experiences of babies and toddlers has been largely ignored.
This free webinar will share initial findings from a research project funded by the Froebel Trust focused on outdoor provision in babyrooms in Kent. Aimed to foster collaboration and to raise the profile of this important area of practice, the seminar will also include presentations from members of Early Childhood Outdoors and opportunities to discuss issues and consider actions. It is aimed at researchers, practitioners and any other interested individuals. The webinar is hosted by the Froebel Trust and supported by Canterbury Christ Church University, The Open University, The University of Wolverhampton and Early Childhood Outdoors.
Places are limited so please register in advance via this link. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
10.00 am Welcome and introductions
10.10 am A life ‘in and with nature’? An exploration of outdoor provision in baby rooms, presentation of Froebel Trust funded research project by Dr Nicola Kemp, Canterbury Christ Church University, and Dr Jo Josephidou, The Open University
10.50 am Noticing infants’ intra-action with the more-than human-world, presentation of PhD research by Dawn Jones, Senior Lecturer in Early Years, University of Wolverhampton
11.10am Naturally Nurtured: charting the developing relationship between a baby and the outdoors in her first 18 months of life, presentation of research undertaken for an M.A. (Education) at CREC/Birmingham City University by Carol Duffy, Early Childhood Consultant
11.30 am Refreshment break
11.45 am Facilitated discussion in breakout rooms: issues and actions
12.15pm Panel discussion: what are the issues and how can we move forwards? hosted by Professor Jan White, Early Childhood Outdoors
12.50 pm Next steps
1.00 pm Close
All photographs are (C) Carol Duffy and must not be used without written permission from the photographer or Early Childhood Outdoors. Thanks to Farley Outdoor Nursery Schools and Carol Duffy for sharing the images illustrating this post.